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Learn about the safer, flexible, cost-efficient AM challenger to LPBF

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Discover Tritone's AM Innovative Technology:

  • Safer: eliminate the need to store and handle ultra-fine metal powder in your plant
  • Flexible powder handling: in addition to removing loose powder, MoldJet eliminates the need for manual labor
  • Enhanced cost efficiency: the massive gains in productivity with MoldJet technology result in saving of anywhere from 2 to 10X in most cases

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Revolutionizing Metal AM WP download

Dennis Marquardt

Key-Account-Manager, MIMplus Technologies

“Utilizing MoldJet technology, MIMplus was the perfect fit for Deutsche Bahn AG, ensuring efficiency and speed in their metal component supply chain. MIMplus Technologies is proud to contribute to Deutsche Bahn AG’s transformation towards an efficient and rapid supply chain of metal components”.

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